5 Tips for a Functional & Stylish Home Office

Working from home has some undeniable perks. You will save a lot of time and money on the commute and the accompanying expenses and you’ll always be just a few steps away from all the amenities you might possibly need. Furthermore, you’ll feel comfortable enough to get your creative and problem-solving juices flowing. However, there … Read more

Digital Nomad: Traveling the World while Building a Career

In the modern, hectic world, finding the time or the resources to travel or, God forbid, visit every country on your bucket list can seem like an arduous or even insurmountable challenge. Working for a fixed income, in a fixed daily time frame, in a corporate environment where you have to be constantly present leaves … Read more

5 Reasons Why Freelancing Beats a 9-5 Job

The no-pants, no-boss, no-fixed-income, no-commute culture, call it what you will, is on the rise all over the world, and it certainly has the potential to become the predominant way of earning a living in the modern era. Yes, freelancing has become so desirable and well-organized that even those with full-time jobs opt for an … Read more

What to do To Change Your Finances for the Better

One of the most difficult personal choices you can make is deciding to get your finances in order. As soon as you start doing that you’ll realize that your financial decisions are very much a reflection of your life is organized and what your priorities are. These are hard things to change and it will … Read more

How to Deal with Burnout?

It is peculiar how quickly we surrender to established patterns and routines and get entangled in the matrix of daily realities and complexities. We follow the line of least resistance: it seems to be easier that way, until it becomes unbearable. Of course, it is the easiest thing in the world to tell someone to … Read more

Coach yourself to Success

We can agree on one thing: there is no finite, absolute definition of success that encapsulates everyone’s dreams and aspirations. And many failures in life come as the consequence of not defining your goal in the first place. Instead of being guided by vague ideas of “financial stability” or “a fulfilling career”, take the notion … Read more

5 Habits that Hinder Your Success

There are many hurdles on the road to success, and some of them were placed there by our own misgivings and mistakes. In order to come up in life, you have to get your priorities straight, build good habits, and be prepared to go all the way. With the multitude of challenges we need to … Read more