5 Tips for a Functional & Stylish Home Office

Working from home has some undeniable perks. You will save a lot of time and money on the commute and the accompanying expenses and you’ll always be just a few steps away from all the amenities you might possibly need. Furthermore, you’ll feel comfortable enough to get your creative and problem-solving juices flowing. However, there … Read more

Event Management: 5 Creative Ideas to Maximize Success

Whether you’re setting up a fundraising evening, or you’re celebrating your company’s anniversary, you don’t want people to think of this occasion as yet another “mandatory company dull-fest” they simply have to attend. Successful events promote your company culture, and they are a perfect opportunity for your team members to bond outside of work. However, … Read more

The 4 Pillars of a Successful Life

Success is a controversial topic in the modern world. While some would describe the concept of success as monetary gain and long-term affluence, others would depict it as a spiritual goal, imbued with happiness derived from love, self-actualization, peace, and serenity. Clearly, there are numerous ways you could describe success, yet as with anything good … Read more

How Not to Lose Yourself In Your Business

We live in a world that is positively obsessed with success. This is especially true in the west where the quest for success is the only thing that matters. As long as you win, it does not matter how many lives you ruin, including yours and the lives of your family members. This is something … Read more

5 Habits that Hinder Your Success

There are many hurdles on the road to success, and some of them were placed there by our own misgivings and mistakes. In order to come up in life, you have to get your priorities straight, build good habits, and be prepared to go all the way. With the multitude of challenges we need to … Read more

5 Habits of Extraordinarily Successful People

They say every journey begins with a single step. And in the words of one Bilbo Baggins, “if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” The same is true of success – the only way to reach it is to keep moving. Even when it’s tough, even … Read more

Writing in the digital age

Getting published has never been easier – yet, has never been more difficult at the same time. There is more content on the web than there is in print, and ebooks are almost read more than hard copies are. As the medium shifts, so must writers adapt – and writing (more often called blogging) in … Read more