What To Do When Blogging Gets Tough

There are innumerable reasons as to why people start blogging. Some people simply wish to share their ideas with the world and likeminded individuals. Some feel that they need a vent from the myriad everyday problems that assail each and every one of us. Of course, there are also those who are trying to make … Read more

How can your desk influence your writing?

Writing is quite a solitary call, and a great deal of time is spent leaning on a work desk. That piece of furniture feels like it is our only support in the world, and yet we often neglect it, taking it for granted. If nothing else, this could have a detrimental effect on your ability … Read more

Writing in the digital age

Getting published has never been easier – yet, has never been more difficult at the same time. There is more content on the web than there is in print, and ebooks are almost read more than hard copies are. As the medium shifts, so must writers adapt – and writing (more often called blogging) in … Read more