Become A Contributor

Unlocked Mag is open to all coaches, Just follow the steps below.

  • Sign up to become a contributor
  •  Write your article
  •  Share your post
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Our Goals

1. To empower the world through the medium of coaching
2. To build a platform that will empower coaches and leaders to be able to create and reach an online audience.

Your part

We are looking for coaching related content, blog posts, lists, and articles and invitations to online groups that will encourage engagement. Our hope is that you will use Unlocked as a second platform and post your content with us as well as on your own site. Our goal is for everyone to feel like this is their access to coaching and amazing advice. The name of the site says it for us, Unlocked Magazine, we really want to empower people. We pictured a vault inside each person and we want to open that up. We want Joe to find his dream job. We want Sally to rock at being a stay at home mom. We want Jill who is already making a million bucks (but wants more freedom) to find something on this site that would unlock those things for each of these people.

We want a readers to feel like they experienced coaching. We want them to connect with you,  follow you and want more from YOU. Our hope is that when a person sees you hear they will follow you back to your own site where they can really connect with you in a deeper way.

Our goal is for readers to feel like they trust you even though they just met you.


The length of the article is not super important. Something in the 5-10 minute read length.

An interesting fact: stats have shown that people actually interact with and will share longer posts more then shorter ones. It really comes down to value – so don’t feel limited.

What to include