How I Won

Illness, challenges, disability, These are all things that I am familiar with. I went through years of pain and depression, I was debilitated, I couldn’t work, I couldn’t eat, I was taking morphine daily, andI had serious surgery. I now live with the constant reminders of that surgery. But I also live a life that … Read more

See With An Open Mind And Open Heart

Today I did something I have never done before, I went to local kelowna Mosque. Growing up in a kelowna a place known for its significant lack of minority people groups and for having a church on every corner I have never spent any significant or even insignificant time interacting with muslims. I have realized … Read more

You can’t get over your identity

Years ago now I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, a nasty illness with no cure that creates a life of challenges and pain. My initial response was to deny it, but as the weeks turned into months and those months into years, “I have crohn’s” became “my crohn’s.” It became a part of me, no … Read more

Toddler-Like Trust: 5 Steps to A Life Fully-Lived

By: Syntyche Smith The not knowing of life can be paralyzing. Worrying about what others will think, combined with the fear of failure shuts you down and takes away your courage to try. The “What if” questions, followed by the string of negative thoughts, emotions, stress and the physical symptoms of stress threaten to suck your … Read more

Whats up with my brain?

By Cally Closs Do you ever feel like your going through the world and your brain keeps getting in the way, one way or another? For instance how you desperately want to get in shape, clean up your diet and have the body you’ve been longing for. You’re committed, you hit the gym first thing … Read more

Everything That Kills Me

By Valerie Scott Music is a huge part of my life. I can track the passing years according to my favourite songs, and each decade is marked by the songs I listened to over and over.  High school? All the iconic eighties hits, but especially Abba (I know,  I know….but I can’t help loving them), … Read more

A Slice Of Life Of A Life Coach

By G.R. Hambley I’ve been a human busily doing. Reading, researching, pondering, noting, accepting, rejecting, compiling, reading the compilation and repeating. Moving it along to where what is relevant and needs to be and then heading back for more. The learning curve is steep and unending. Applying the theory, science, art and devising practical application … Read more

What’s your reaction to the C-Word?

The first time my friend said to me “I love you, ya cunt” my jaw dropped.  I was speechless ~ a rarity.  I have opinions and lots of them; this time I was silenced.  My brain was trying to calculate the confusion and I blurted out “Fuck you, you asshole!” He laughed a big loud … Read more