Whats up with my brain?

By Cally Closs

Do you ever feel like your going through the world and your brain keeps getting in the way, one way or another? For instance how you desperately want to get in shape, clean up your diet and have the body you’ve been longing for. You’re committed, you hit the gym first thing in the morning, packed your days worth of clean eating, go through the day stoked and somehow end up in the ice cream later that night…. maybe a lot of ice cream.

I have witnessed this time and time again with all situations, not just fitness and health goals. Most people will say it’s a matter of dedication, motivation and will power, however I couldn’t disagree more, its something else. Something most of us have zero knowledge or understanding of and it has been running your life. Meanwhile you have been looking for a reason to why you are failing and come up with guilt, lack of will power or motivation. Bullshit I say. I have no doubt you are committed and you want what ever you are going after. It has partly been the struggle in my life and in others that has pushed me to find these answers because I just wasn’t going to accept that we didn’t have enough will power to accomplish our goals.

Let me give you a clue, it’s in your mind. It’s your neural pathways or what I like to call threads. Lets say someone told you as a kid, ‘you were a big boned and being athletic just wasn’t in your genes’, so your sweet and innocent young brain tried to make sense of this and said to its self “I will always be a big boned, un athletic person and can’t lose weight.” Since you created this pathway as you continued on in life you unconsciously searched for reasons to assure yourself you were right. Like for the next 12 years of school you ran at the back of the class when you were capable of more. When you had to play sports in school your reason for not being any good was because you were big boned and un athletic not because you had never attempted any sport in your life and were just as rusty at the rest of the kids. Behold the thread work was laid, a pathway was born, a thread was created between two points in your brain and soon you conditioned and coddled it so it became a heavy rope keeping you tied. Even though you’ve now grown up and arrived at a point where you want change.

Imagine if you could just go into your brain and scramble all of this, change your programming and wake up and naturally walk out the door for a run or skip the ice cream? You can, you so can. I would have to write a short novel to explain the many options you have in ridding yourself of this old programming but I will try and keep it short and sweet. One, try to uncover these beliefs you hold on to, dig hard, find what’s below the surface, look back on all your past experiences and look at what could have created those beliefs/threads. What do you truly believe about yourself? Once you have found some start to question them, poke holes in them so your brain begins to question them, which will already create some disassociation and separation. Could there have been another option if you are honest with yourself? Creating this separation literally starts deconstructing those pathways in the brain making room for a new and empowering belief or way of being to be conditioned. These shifts are honestly the key in creating the destiny you want and a life that is built around you, and who doesn’t want that.


Cally Closs
Peak Performance Coach

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