5 Ways to Clear Your Mind After a Tough Day

Some days can be stressful and it’s important to clear your mind in the evening and avoid going to bed feeling frustrated, angry, or overwhelmed. There are lots of things that can help you overcome stress and feel better at the end of a long day. Some people try to relax by eating or drinking their problems away, but these instant gratification tactics soon turn against them and take a heavy toll on their health.

Read a book

This is one of the healthiest escapist strategies out there. Immersing yourself in somebody else’s reality can help you forget your problems and stop your toxic (over)thinking pattern. There’s something blissfully soothing about sitting in a comfy armchair with a cup of tea and a good book. Reading has many other benefits, and some of them include lowering the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s later in life, fighting insomnia, and stimulating the brain thus improving its connectivity and cognitive functions. Reading fiction is especially beneficial, while you should avoid self-help books as they can be counterproductive, not to mention that not all the advice they promote is accurate and effective.  

Physical activity

It’s a no-brainer that physical activity can help you burn not only unwanted calories, but also unwanted emotions, such as anger and anxiety. Although it might sound too demanding to hit the gym after a hard day at work, the thing is that it will actually boost your energy levels and your mood. If you’re not exactly into traditional sports, you can try other activities such as dancing, water aerobics, or skateboarding. Don’t be tricked by the misconception that skateboarding is only for teenagers, as this activity is quite exhilarating and fun, and it can also significantly improve your balance and strengthen your core. Of course, it’s important to be aware that it’s pretty demanding and that’s why top-quality equipment, such as that offered by Penny Skateboards, is a must in order to keep injuries at bay.

Dear diary…

Keeping a journal is extremely beneficial to your mind, as it will help you collect your thoughts and put them into a narrative. This practice can also offer you another perspective on things, and it has a tremendous therapeutic effect. Some experts even suggest that if you’re very angry and upset, you should give vent to your feelings and pour your heart out in your journal, then rip the paper and throw it away, thus symbolically getting rid of your negative emotions.

Color your stress away

Coloring books for adults have become extremely popular recently. This engaging and calming activity is great for shifting your focus from unpleasant thoughts and emotions towards something quiet and soothing. There are all kinds of patterns, some of which are complex mandalas or artistic landscapes, and all of them will develop your creativity and reduce your anxiety.


All this technology we’re surrounded with makes our life much easier, but at the same time, it also floods us with tons of information that we have to process. When you want to relax and de-stress, make sure to turn off your mobile devices and TV. Not only will this allow your mind to rest, but you’ll also be able to detach from work when you get home. Checking your email or Facebook all the time is very distracting and annoying, and many people tend to do that even when they’re spending time with their friends or taking a walk. Browsing the internet when you go to bed can disturb your sleep pattern, as blue light that mobile devices emit interferes with the circadian rhythm and melatonin production, which in turn leads to all kinds of diseases including diabetes, heart problems, and depression.

No matter how bad your day has been, there are things that you can do to make it better and lift your spirits. Never underestimate the power of the little things in life.