The Importance of Adventure and Play

Remember when you were a child? I sort of do, not as well as I’d like to but well enough to remember that all I wanted to do was go on adventures and play. Cindy Lauper had something similar to say about girls, minus the adventure part… Yeah I know the songs probably in your … Read more


I have always been inspired by human beings who accomplish incredible things.  It reminds me that we are made to evolve and that we constantly push back the frontiers of possibility.  In this article I will introduce you to some amazing people who left me in awe in 2015 and discuss the human qualities that they embody. We all possess these qualities, and should aim to develop and utilize them more in our lives.

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At this time of year, we make resolutions and set goals.  The New Year is about hitting things that we have been putting off, or attacking things that we’ve wanted to do but just haven’t gotten to.  It’s often about tackling tasks that we feel we must because of external pressure from loved ones or … Read more

4 Steps To Stop Minimizing Yourself In Your Own Life

How can you win when you keep playing small? You stay too long. You allow too much. You don’t insist on anything. You compromise all the time … in relationships, marriages and jobs. You say yes when you want to say no. You bend over backwards for others who never do the same in return. … Read more