Is There A Secret to Great Coaching Content?

Visit any blog or website dedicated to blogging and you will find dozens upon dozens of articles, podcasts and guides about creating the best, most ridiculously fantastic content that has ever been created. This raises a couple of questions. Since these articles, podcasts and guides often do not agree on how to create the best, … Read more

Mindful leadership?! What hippy BS!

  I once went to a seminar which was all about “Mindfulness.” The participants were mostly middle-aged or older men and women who looked at each other with squinty eyes as if they were bathing in compassion and delight. I was very young at that time and this all seemed very pretentious to me. They … Read more

Surrounding Yourself by Like Minded People

Surrounding Yourself by Like Minded People

Today we are going to discover what happens when you surround yourself by like minded people. Let’s be honest the people you spend the most time with in your life have a massive influence in your life.  I’m sure you have heard the saying that the 5 people you spend the most time will help … Read more

Your INTUITION is calling…are you listening?

Intuition is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence.” It’s also been described as a knowing that skips conscious reasoning. In a society that places so much value and merit on the workings of the human mind, our intuitions go unnoticed. … Read more

The Importance of Adventure and Play

Remember when you were a child? I sort of do, not as well as I’d like to but well enough to remember that all I wanted to do was go on adventures and play. Cindy Lauper had something similar to say about girls, minus the adventure part… Yeah I know the songs probably in your … Read more

Ama’s Pearls: Six Life Lessons for Authentic Living

Today would have been my mother-in-law’s 72nd birthday. It’s been almost three months since she died. We called her Ama – the name she took for herself when she became a grandmother. Interestingly, the term ama refers to a Japanese diver – usually female – who tends oyster beds. It’s a great metaphor for what … Read more