Why Letting Go Requires Forgiveness

So you really want to let go and move on with your life?

Then ask yourself: Are you willing to forgive?

Fully, completely, all of it.

Forgive the other, forgive yourself, forgive those involved, and then

receive Divine forgiveness.

You see, we are all human (unless you are a computer then that’s just weird), and we all make mistakes.

I know I’ve done things in my past that have required forgiveness, and I’ve humbly asked for it.

Recently, a lot of people have been asking me about letting go, how to let go, and why letting go is important to personal healing.

There are five steps to fully letting go so you can move on with your life, and you can learn more about those in my “Let Go and Live On” program, but for now, let’s focus on forgiveness.

Forgiveness takes total honesty about the situation. See it fully for what it is or was, and with an act of surrender to the higher good, ask for and receive forgiveness into your heart.

Forgiveness is what can clear energetic roots and ties to the bonds that hold you back in your life. And create a new space of peace from which to move forward.

Sometimes, forgiveness takes time. When I had gotten out of the worst situation of my life where I lost everything, I knew the power of forgiveness and went right in to saying that I forgave that person and was moving on, but I didn’t give myself time to process and I was essentially covering over my grief and anger with nice words.

In total honesty it took me 4 years before I completely forgave that person and myself. Now I stand free and clear of anything negative that happened during that time but it took years of continual learning and offering forgiveness.

So today, I invite you to look at areas of your life where you haven’t forgiven someone and look at how that is impacting your life. If you are ready and willing to forgive, then give it, and release the past to the past, where it belongs. Then take a deep breath and get ready for the new 🙂


To Your Clarity & Confidence!



Vicki Holleman is the creator of “Let Go and Live On” and the “Clear Confidence Energy Mastery” Program for Empaths and Holistic Healers. She has helped hundreds of people clear their energy and connect with their authentic vision for a joyful life.

Visit her at www.vickiholleman.com or https://www.facebook.com/joyfullivingstrategist