Surrounding Yourself by Like Minded People

Today we are going to discover what happens when you surround yourself by like minded people. Let’s be honest the people you spend the most time with in your life have a massive influence in your life.  I’m sure you have heard the saying that the 5 people you spend the most time will help shape your success. If these people are happy, like-minded and successful you will find you want to be around them and learn. If they are negative and down on their luck you will find them not so easy to be around.

Let’s look at the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and leaders as a starting example. These successful people will be seen spending time with other people that are successful in their own fields too. They learn from each other while influencing each other to aim higher and reach bigger goals. This is a biggest secret to their success because of the people they spend most of their time with are successful too.

Just looking at these people as an example shows how important it is actually to build that success and happiness in your own life. There are many points we could cover in this article but I have picked my top 5 favourites. Lets see how you spending time with these people can change your life.

How positive people will bring you success.

Success is something we all want to be present in our lives but it’s not an easy path travelling this road by ourselves. You don’t have to do it alone but we need to start looking at the people you do have in your life.

I challenge you to look around in your life and the people you currently surround yourself with. Grab a pen or your computer screen and quickly write out the top 10 people you spend the most time with. Then have a think to yourself do these people inspire you, do they make you happy and do you learn from them? I hope the answer is yes because there is so much influence you are picking up from the people close to you. Positive people lift you up higher in your life and unfortunately negative people pull you down.

Reach your goals quicker

As I am an entrepreneur myself I choose to move in circles online and in person with other entrepreneurs. This is because I get to meet some inspirational business owners that have already achieved amazing things. Your mindset improves being around other successful people as they know how to be successful already. It also gives me the opportunity to listen and learn from what they done in their business. I find I reach my goals quicker because I am surrounded by success, which makes me lift my game in my life and business.

Have more happiness in your life

Being in a space with people that are like-minded to you is amazing and there is always plenty to talk about. When you have so much in common with similar interests you get to engage in such amazing conversations and do activities you love together. Offcourse this leads to such happiness because you are having fun and spending time with people similar to yourself. Go out today and do something with someone you love.

Follow inspirational people online or read inspirations books

I understand sometimes it’s not always easy to move in like-minded circles. You might not have much free time in your life or you live in an isolated area so connecting in person isn’t the best option for you. Instead sign up for inspirational people’s email newsletters, follow them on Facebook or twitter. That way every single day you have access to like-minded people which you can learn and grow from. Or fill your kindle up with inspirational books.

You will have more success

We have gone through the above 4 points it’s now time to incorporate everything we have learnt together today. If you follow the above 4 points you will have more success of your life it’s a fact. As you are surrounding yourself with like-minded people, you are learning from inspirational people and you have more happiness in your life. All of these are a recipe of success and what I use to reach more success in my own life. I challenge you to try it in your own life.

Thank you for joining me today to discover why’s it’s important to be surrounding yourself by like minded people. I would love to hear from you where are you connecting with like-minded people in your current life?


Rebecca Ruiz is a certified confidence life coach and freelance copywriter for women at Life Perceptions. She is an ambassador for self-esteem, confidence and finding happiness from within. Her life purpose is to work with women to empower them through individual confidence life coaching, her articles and motivational speaking events.

You can find out more about her at or