Time Management for Business Travelers: 5 Useful Sanity-Saving Tips

business travel

Business trips are a way of life for many entrepreneurs. For the uninitiated, it sounds like a glamorous way of life filled with adventure and exotic locations, but whoever has traveled for business at least a few times knows that it can be a total disaster filled with delays and problems. The fact that you … Read more

5 Business Practices You Didn’t Know You Could Outsource

Outsourcing is an efficient way for small and medium businesses to minimize the costs, save some money and delegate more important tasks of the business. Anything from project management to PA jobs is now being outsourced. When a business’ workforce is small, it means that the employees are constantly pressed for time, and they can’t … Read more

The 4 Pillars of a Successful Life

Success is a controversial topic in the modern world. While some would describe the concept of success as monetary gain and long-term affluence, others would depict it as a spiritual goal, imbued with happiness derived from love, self-actualization, peace, and serenity. Clearly, there are numerous ways you could describe success, yet as with anything good … Read more

How Not to Lose Yourself In Your Business

We live in a world that is positively obsessed with success. This is especially true in the west where the quest for success is the only thing that matters. As long as you win, it does not matter how many lives you ruin, including yours and the lives of your family members. This is something … Read more

Is There A Secret to Great Coaching Content?

Visit any blog or website dedicated to blogging and you will find dozens upon dozens of articles, podcasts and guides about creating the best, most ridiculously fantastic content that has ever been created. This raises a couple of questions. Since these articles, podcasts and guides often do not agree on how to create the best, … Read more

How to Survive Working for a Huge Corporation

We may live in the age of startups, micro-businesses and people who work for no one but themselves, but there is still a huge number of people who make a living at one of those enormous corporations that employ thousands and where things can get a bit faceless. This is not aimed at knocking big … Read more

Easy Living: Home-Based Business

They say that fortune comes to those who’re willing to take risks and work hard – but there’s no reason an up-and-coming entrepreneur couldn’t do the hard work from the comfort of their home. According to a recent survey, there are over 38 million home businesses in the U.S. which generate 427 billion USD annually, … Read more

What To Do When Blogging Gets Tough

There are innumerable reasons as to why people start blogging. Some people simply wish to share their ideas with the world and likeminded individuals. Some feel that they need a vent from the myriad everyday problems that assail each and every one of us. Of course, there are also those who are trying to make … Read more