What’s your reaction to the C-Word?

The first time my friend said to me “I love you, ya cunt” my jaw dropped.  I was speechless ~ a rarity.  I have opinions and lots of them; this time I was silenced.  My brain was trying to calculate the confusion and I blurted out “Fuck you, you asshole!” He laughed a big loud … Read more

Leadership – What I learned from my Grandfather.

I have realized over the years that I have inherited something that must be in my genes. Growing up one of the people I looked up to was my grandfather. He was born in 1910 in Radisson Saskatchewan. His parents were Ukrainian immigrants. They owned the general and feed store in town. I learned recently that, … Read more

Stay focused on your goals – my 4 tips for you!

How many of us give up our dreams and projects after encountering the disapproval of others or the first obstacle on our path? Did you know that many inventors tried their experiments thousands of times before discovering a new concept or product that became a success? Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he successfully developed … Read more