See With An Open Mind And Open Heart

Today I did something I have never done before, I went to local kelowna Mosque. Growing up in a kelowna a place known for its significant lack of minority people groups and for having a church on every corner I have never spent any significant or even insignificant time interacting with muslims. I have realized … Read more

You can’t get over your identity

Years ago now I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, a nasty illness with no cure that creates a life of challenges and pain. My initial response was to deny it, but as the weeks turned into months and those months into years, “I have crohn’s” became “my crohn’s.” It became a part of me, no … Read more

Predefined or Redefined.

We have this bad habit of duplicating what we have seen. When my wife and I got married for instance we had only ever witnessed two roles within the family structure, one was aggressive and one was passive and neither were healthy. Within a week of being married we ran into issues, I am the … Read more

The World Is Lying To You About Your Purpose

This is a very accurate diagram of what the world considers purpose. It is based in the realm of, what you do defines your purpose and ultimately defines your worth or value. This way of thinking creates a number of problems. First and foremost it allows others to define your value, and when we allow … Read more

Clarity, Choices, and Your Job Search

By: Deb Elbaum Being in a professional transition – whether looking for your next job or thinking about making a career change – is one of the toughest places to be. Feelings of doubt, uncertainty, and powerlessness are common. But here’s what you need to remember: you have more choices and more control over the situation … Read more

Toddler-Like Trust: 5 Steps to A Life Fully-Lived

By: Syntyche Smith The not knowing of life can be paralyzing. Worrying about what others will think, combined with the fear of failure shuts you down and takes away your courage to try. The “What if” questions, followed by the string of negative thoughts, emotions, stress and the physical symptoms of stress threaten to suck your … Read more

The Art of Flirting

By: Lori Ann Davis, MA, CRS. Whether you are new to the dating scene or are in a long-term relationship, one thing remains the same; flirting is still key to expressing your affections towards someone! We all know that communication is one of the most important aspects of any relationship, but who said it has to … Read more