Clarity, Choices, and Your Job Search

By: Deb Elbaum Being in a professional transition – whether looking for your next job or thinking about making a career change – is one of the toughest places to be. Feelings of doubt, uncertainty, and powerlessness are common. But here’s what you need to remember: you have more choices and more control over the situation … Read more

Women In Transition

By Verena Risse The specific challenges of living life as a woman and 4 tools that help turning them into opportunities. Transition? By this, I mean a state of change in people’s life. It can be self‑induced or come as an external input. Transition is a period when people leave their comfort zones. They leave … Read more

Why You Must Embrace The Unknown….

By Hillary Schneider The only thing constant in life is change…. and the unknown. The famous quote about the constant change of life is one I use to say to myself over and over again in my early twenties. I was not a fan of change. Most people aren’t. In my twenties I moved across … Read more


By Cheryl Molenaar I confess that I am not a person who enjoys working out.  I tell myself that I’m practically allergic to it, and yet – I want to be healthy.  Recently I took a personality profile test that even pointed to the fact that I really don’t enjoy a physical workout and that it’s … Read more

What’s the Deal with Happiness?

By Michelle Robindell Lately, Happiness has been a really hot topic. We’re devouring articles like Why Happiness is Healthy and a Formula for Happiness, books such as The Happiness Project, and TED Talks like The Surprising Science of Happiness. There are even art exhibits such as The Happy Show. Why does the subject of Happiness seem to be everywhere these days? … Read more

The Other Side Of The Fence

 By Valerie Scott The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. We often say this when we are talking about a big decision we are considering. Ending a relationship in hopes there is someone better out there. When I lose the weight I will be happier. When I get that promotion … Read more