The Greatest Fear

What’s yours?

I am a big fan of Marianne Williamson and I agree with her quote about our biggest fear being our own power, and today I want to talk about what this means and how it can show up.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.” -Marianne Williamson

Through working with clients over the past several years I have witnessed this fear manifest primarily as:

Fear of the Unknown.

Light at end of the tunnel.

For example:

  • What will happen if I am truly in my power?
  • How do I know I can trust myself with it?
  • And Where does this power really come from anyways?

This fear of the unknown is what often leads people to stagnate or procrastinate in their life, and sometimes it even causes people to give up completely in terms of moving forward with a project or following their heart to create their dreams.

It can be scary to open up to your power, especially when it doesn’t look like you thought it would (which is almost always by the way!) And often, once you start on your journey to authentic power, certain things may need to break down and fall away from your life in order to make room for the new.

This causes people to back away in critical moments of personal growth.

So how do we address this? It takes a certain amount of surrender, and massive amounts of trust and faith.

Cue Rock Song “Living on the Edge” by Aerosmith.

The more you allow the Divine to work in your life, through you, as you, (as this is the true source of your power), the more you will be asked to say yes to life. To lay your ego aside and live from service.

Fear of the Unknown is basically lack of faith and trust in both Self and the Divine. And what blocks us from faith and trust is the past.

Fear of the unknown shows up in people’s energy as a closed or contracted crown chakra and issues with personal power show up mostly in the solar plexus.

With willingness you can remove these blocks and begin to live in your power, fully rooted in your Divine Connection. Over time, fear of the unknown will dissipate and even though you will still hit bumps in the road along your journey, you will know that they are learning and growth opportunities.

So keep opening, saying yes, and see how far you can grow. Life is an adventure and living on the edge of creation is fun!

To Your Clarity & Confidence,



Vicki Holleman is the creator of “Let Go and Live On” and the “Clear Confidence Energy Mastery” Program for Empaths and Holistic Healers. She has helped hundreds of people clear their energy and connect with their authentic vision for a joyful life.

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