The World Is Lying To You About Your Purpose

poor life advice

This is a very accurate diagram of what the world considers purpose. It is based in the realm of, what you do defines your purpose and ultimately defines your worth or value. This way of thinking creates a number of problems. First and foremost it allows others to define your value, and when we allow others to define our value, we can’t help but live a life that is constantly searching for approval. Ultimately this leads us away from our purpose and towards what society deems to be valuable and worthwhile.

Taking a closer look, what this diagram is actually describing is our vocation, our small ‘c’ calling, our sweet spot, and the place where we will find the most success in the monetary world. The place where the monetary value of what we do is at it’s highest. Unfortunately only a very tiny percentage of people will ever exist here, but don’t be discouraged.

This does not mean that you cannot find you purpose or your big ‘C’ Calling – also known as your purpose. What this means is that your true value is not and cannot be defined by anyone outside of yourself. What this means is that our purpose does not depend on anyone else, and that we can only obtain it by being, not doing. Our purpose can only be found in a place of peace and rest.

Knowing who you are is the pinnacle of your purpose. This also means that the pinnacle is always rising, as you learn more about your self, as you uncover what being the fullest, truest version of your self actually looks like. As you do this, your success level can only continue to increase. This means that any failures that might happen in your life or work do not in any way detract from your success, or your purpose. It actually means that your response to those situations has the potential to increase your success and perpetuate you further into your purpose.

Don’t fall into the trap of reaching for a purpose that has its value defined by others, reach for the a purpose that is unhindered and can grow as long as you continue to grow.


RebeccaSiewertPhotography_BabyEzra-2 copyDan Byl is a purpose guru and a millennial leadership specialist.

More from Dan as well as a copy of his Discover Your Purpose Ebook at 

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