6 Smart Investments for Freelancers

Every business out there needs to make smart investments. Those that fail to do this usually end up failing big time. And if you’re a freelancer, the same rules apply to you as well. Freelancing isn’t a hobby, it’s a real business and if you want it to grow, you have to invest in it. But the problem is, you’re probably working on a tight budget. This means you have to make sure every investment you make is thought through. And to help you, we’ve compiled a list of 6 smart investments you’ll definitely want to give some thought.


One thing you have to keep in mind when working as a freelancer is that you are the business. This means that as a freelancer, you have to take care of yourself or otherwise your business simply won’t be able to survive. You’re probably wondering what investing in yourself really means. First of all, there’s your well-being. If you want to be a successful freelancer, you need to sleep right and eat right. Another way to invest in yourself is to make sure your family is happy. Last but not least, this is also where you’ll have to invest in your education. This can mean anything from buying a book to signing up for an online course.


Just because you’re working from home it doesn’t mean you get to lie in your pajamas with a laptop on your belly. What you need is a real office you’ll be able to work in. This is extremely important since it’ll provide you with a feeling that you’re going to work. Fail to design your home office and you’ll probably procrastinate more than you’ve ever imagined. On the other hand, a well-designed home office will give you comfort, which is exactly what you need in order to get the job done right. Buying a comfortable chair and a temperature control mug is a great way to start.


When working as a freelancer, one of the most important things you’ll have to do is find people who’ll be able to help you give your career a boost. We’re talking about people who’ll hire you on their projects or recommend you to people who’ll do so. Of course, you’re never going to meet those people if you don’t leave your room. Instead, what you need to do is invest in networking. This means joining professional organizations that let you “hob-knob” with other freelancers out there. If you’re not sure where to start, joining the Freelancer’s Union is something you just can’t go wrong with.


No business out there can survive without marketing. Many people would have you believe that marketing doesn’t play an important role in freelancing, but the truth is – you have to market yourself if you want to succeed. This means you’ll need a well-designed website with all of your contact info and your portfolio. Of course, there are plenty of other ways you can market, like using digitally printed material. By consulting experienced professionals from the industry, such as carbon8, you can create a truly comprehensive marketing plan.


Every freelancer out there needs a powerful PC they’ll use for their work. A good desktop is always a nice solution, since it’ll probably cost you less than a laptop. Moreover, you’ll be able to set up dual monitors, which can be extremely helpful depending on what kind of work you do.


Even though having all the necessary hardware is an absolute must, it’s hardly going to help you at all if you don’t have the necessary software. Depending on your niche, there are different software you’ll need in order to do your job correctly. And even though it would be great if these came free, you’ll usually have to pay in order to use the features you need for your work. On top of this, you’re also going to need a good antivirus and antimalware software for your work PC. If you’re not sure which one you should go for, download trial versions and see how they’ll perform.

Investing in each of these 6 things makes a lot of sense for every freelancer out there. Think about what you need at the moment and start with that. Of course, you’ll eventually have to invest at least something into each of these things. Luckily, the more work you do the more money you’ll be able to invest in your freelancing career.