What are your afraid of. Go do that. Don’t do anything else until you have gone and done that.

You see humans are amazing at making up stories. Why do we do this?  Because these stories keep us safe. Well they used to. In the past they kept us safe from tigers and lions and before that from dinosaurs.

The problem with these stories now is that we don’t face imminent danger from things trying to eat us. As a human race we are designed to survive but since our ability to protect our selves has gotten to the point that the only tigers you will run into live in a zoo, this survival instinct has moved from tigers to social fears.

A year and a half ago my wife and I found out we were having a baby with a disability. Our instant response fear. But we faced that fear, we named our son months before he was born, we did this because now it was not a baby with a disability it was our son Ezra. And we turned that thing to be afraid of into something that we grew to love so much more even before we met him.

You see when we face our fears head on we have the ability to change that fear. We can turn it into something funny or something we love, or just about anything that we want. But if we don’t face those fears, they linger they grow and become more and more powerful as our mind continues to make up bigger and bigger stories about it.

Did all the fear go away after we named our son, nope. But today nearly 18 months later our son is healthy and strong he is happy and a little ball of joy that we couldn’t imagine our lives without. And today we no longer have any fear.

What are you afraid of?

If you do one thing today – do that.


RebeccaSiewertPhotography_BabyEzra-3 copy 3Dan Byl is a Millennial Leadership Specialist and founder of Unlcockedmag and Unlocked Talks

to get your copy of his Discover Your Purpose Ebook and to find out how he won his battle against crohn’s visit DanByl.com 

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