4 Hacks to Develop a Compelling Content Marketing Strategy

Content is considered king in the digital marketing world, for some time now. The main reason is that content marketing has proven time and time again to be the most effective marketing strategy. Developing a content marketing strategy helps businesses drive engagement from their target audience and offers them something of value. Many online businesses build their relationships with their customers based on effective content marketing. After all, it’s the surest way to capture and hold the right kind of attention.

However, because of content’s effectiveness, there are billions of individual pieces of content flooding the Internet. So much, in fact, that digital marketers have difficulties producing content that hasn’t been seen before by their audience. Therefore, if you want to leverage content marketing to its fullest potential, you have to create content that’s entertaining, educational, informative and, above else, highly relevant to your customers’ preferences. Here are a few hacks to develop a compelling content marketing strategy.

Competitive analysis

It’s important to understand the market around you and your main competitors, if you want to create a content marketing strategy that will help you stand out. A competitive analysis is a good way to get insight into how your competition operates, so that you can find a gap to exploit. It’s important to understand that you’re not trying to copy your competitors’ strategies, because that way you’re not creating anything new or compelling for that matter.

Instead, you’re analyzing your competition’s strengths and weaknesses, in order to develop a strategy that will outperform others and allow your content marketing to truly capture the hearts and minds of your audience. Simply put, you’re keeping a close eye on your competitor’s strategies, in order to find the best approach for your own strategies, which will offer you a competitive advantage.

Create a narrative

Writing articles and enriching them with visual content is a good way to improve your content marketing strategy. As a matter of fact, articles optimized with visual elements can produce 37% more engagement from your target audience. However, if you want your articles to compel people to engage, you must create a narrative that will pique their interest. The best way to achieve this is to have a specific approach to storytelling using a unique tone of voice.

The tone of voice must be designed in accordance with your target audiences’ preferences, in order to make your content more compelling and desirable. Creating such a tone of voice can oftentimes become quite complicated. Still, if you have difficulties, you can always outsource this task to companies, such as this copywriting agency in Sydney, that can help you identify the right voice and narrative.

Get in touch with influencers

Influencers on social media and other media channels have become one of the most valuable assets when it comes to content marketing. Their influence over the audience makes them ideal for promoting various types of content. If you want your content to go viral and become much more compelling, you ought to ask an influencer to promote it.

Influencer marketing can greatly boost your content marketing; you must only identify the influencer your audience is following. A lot of influencers charge a fee for promotions these days, but you can also try to establish a relationship with them, where both of you can have mutual benefits. For instance, a lot of influencers are also bloggers or have YouTube channels. In exchange for their help, you can promote them on your own website or blog.  

Content curation

You don’t always have to create fresh content in order to make it compelling or to drive engagement from your audience. Content curation is also a valuable aspect of an effective content marketing strategy. Basically, content curation is categorizing through existing content on the Internet and providing your audience with the most valuable and most relevant sources you can find. Based on your audience and their preference, you can sort content into specific topics, so that your audience can pick what interests them the most.

Content curation is a good way to make use of content that’s been lost or forgotten online. In addition, it can boost your awareness and reputation, while driving engagement from your readers. Simply put, you improve relations with your audience by providing them with useful information, while at the same time, you’re keeping them engaged while you develop your own unique content.


Creating a compelling content marketing strategy is not easy. The key is to understand your target audience, as well as their needs and preferences. That way, you can create content that your audience will not only enjoy but also find very valuable and engaging.