Travel Trends – 2018 Looks Strong for the Tourism Industry

With the rise of technological innovation, better connectivity in terms of transportation, accommodation and service, improved safety in most parts of the world, and a culture that nurtures remote working opportunities – it’s no wonder 2018 will be the year when traveling becomes a norm rather than an exception.

We’re merging business and travel for pleasure, bringing out sustainable stay and dine ideas, diversifying cultural exchanges and encouraging people to experience the destination from the eyes of a local. These are just some of many dominant trends we’ll see soaring in 2018, so brace yourself and get ready to catch the travel bug from the following details!

The digital nomad on the rise

Bloggers, designers, influencers, foodies, you name them, their job in 2018 most often doesn’t require for them to be chained to a single office location. The definition of the workplace has transcended the traditional boundaries to become open for your own free interpretation. A hammock in the Caribbean? Sure, just bring your laptop with you. A fancy New York café? Also, perfectly plausible.

An increasing number of young people, especially Millennials, is finding their way in the growing market of freelancers and remote work. So, every city in the world is doing its best to make this arrangement a possibility through internet access, better overall connectivity, and more events are organized to attract this particular subset of workers to visit new locations all over the globe.

Taste the world like a local

Another way the world of travel is transforming is the perspective – we no longer go straight for the travel agency group arrangement that takes you to all the famous spots. With this in mind, companies such as Airbnb and other accommodation opportunities have become the norm over the typical hotel stay.

And now when you google phrases such as “things to see in Chicago”, you’ll also get flooded by results pointing you to less known spots, restaurants and small art galleries known only to the local crew, giving you the opportunity to live like a local in a completely new destination.

Green up your travel picks

With the health and fitness revolution shaping our lives in every sense, it comes as no surprise that the world craves for more eco-friendly travel opportunities. Organic is the buzzword of the season, and sustainable living has translated into sustainable travel, as well. From reducing your carbon footprint, eating in restaurants that pride themselves on local, seasonal produce, to choosing accommodation that focuses on recycling, energy-efficiency and supporting the local community, you can take your pick in almost every part of the world.

Most of all, culinary wonders have become one of the key factors in travel experience. Just like there’s a greater need for low-key, luxury accommodation, the exquisite meals that include hiring a personal chef service have become the new norm. What used to be available only to a handful of individuals has become an integral part of the entire experience – naturally sourced ingredients, farm-to-table cooking, and artisan meals are just a piece of the puzzle.

Social media as the new frontier

Transparency is yet another operative word of the travel industry in 2018. Simply put, everyone is online and on social networks, expressing their opinions, sharing their experiences, encouraging or promoting travel brands of all sorts, shaping the world of travel beyond recognition.

Every single player in the game of industry has a digital presence. Hotels, agencies, spas, museums, galleries, tour guides, and so many more, they are all using the world without borders to increase brand awareness and engagement, and travelers are the ones who are creating their reputations. Reviews, customer feedback and online conversations are a major influence in decision-making regarding travel.

Boutique, luxury and all things authentic

Large-scale hotels are no longer the go-to solution for accommodation. But in parallel with the development of locals who are happy to invite guests to their homes and encourage a localized experience, there’s a rising trend of cozy inns, luxury cottages, boutique hotels with a handful of rooms in unique design and authentic architecture.

Think vintage, retro and restored rooms that also come with unique services, hand-made greeting cards and other details to show that your host is going out of their way to make you smile and enjoy your stay. It’s yet another trend reflecting the need for more personalized experiences over traditional experiences.