Why Every Coach Needs A Blog and How to Do It

Being a coach is a demanding job and a lifestyle that is not for the faint of heart. The competition is strong and getting stronger every day and the clients are expecting more and more. One of the ways in which you can increase your chances of success and in which you can ensure that your coaching business stands out is to start blogging and do it the right way.

Unfortunately, this is easier said than done and people often struggle to do it properly. Even more problematic than this is that many coaches do not blog at all, which is a huge mistake.


All the Reasons Why

There are more than a few reasons as to why coaches should blog and while some of them are purely web-based, there are also those that work on a purely human level.

For example, by blogging, coaches can share their views on a certain subject, which can show their potential clients what they can expect from those same coaches and whether their approach will suit them. Blogging lets coaches show off their personality to their potential clients, which is always a great way to attract new clients.

Moreover, coaches can show off their expertise by blogging. They can share their solutions to certain problems and opinions on certain subjects. These problems and subjects can be evergreen or they can be more contemporary which can attract more readers if the article provides a new insight into a popular storyline.

A great coaching blog can also become a platform for the coach to get to know their clients and potential clients more intimately through discussions and in comment sections of individual articles. This is yet another way in which a coach can use their blog to improve their communication with their clients and those who might become their clients at one point in time.

Finally, a blog can do great things for the coach’s website and online presence in general. Namely, with a bit of blogging and guest blogging, a coach’s website will start ranking higher in search engines, thus making it more likely that someone will find the coach online.


How to Do It

For one, your blog has to exist somewhere. If you already have your coaching website, then adding it should not be a problem. If you are not already present online, it is time to get yourself a nice WordPress theme and find some quality hosting which will ensure your blog does not spend half of its life being offline. You can find more on hosting here.

Once it is up, it is time to fill it with content and this is where the real fun begins. You have a blank page in front of you. It should not intimidate you. It should inspire you to give your best and to share with the world something that it hasn’t seen yet.

If you are stuck with writer’s block, check out what other coaches are writing about. Check out industry magazines and see if you have a particularly strong opinion on a subject or two. There are innumerable ways to pull content out of thin air.

In case you are looking to do something truly different, you should seriously think about making videos where you talk about coaching, how you can help people or share a few interesting things about you and your business. Considering the fact that most modern phones can shoot HD video that looks amazing, this has truly become as easy as pressing a button.

Also, do not forget to approach other blog owners and see whether they might like you to contribute some content to their websites. By doing this, you will be putting your name in front of their readership which might later become your readership. Conversely, you can invite some of your past clients or even other coaches to contribute to your blog.

Remember, blogging is all about people and connections.