Fantastic Anniversary Gifts That Will Amaze Your Partner

Coming up with an anniversary gift can be challenging, especially if you have been in a relationship with your partner for a long time now, and you feel like you’ve run out of fresh ideas. Buying the same type of gift you’ve already gifted them a few years back can ruin the romance and magic of the moment. We suggest stepping away from the clichés and trying to find an anniversary gift that celebrates this beautiful occasion and speaks about who you are as a couple. Here are a few suggestions that will spark your imagination.

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A mixtape (CD)

Maybe you’re a college student and you can’t afford a high-end gift, or you are broke, or simply want to show your love with something that is priceless – music. But be aware that, according to Rob Gordon (High Fidelity) making a mixtape is a “subtle art”, and you need to start with attention grabbing song (preferably the one that means a lot to you as a couple), but also build up the excitement with the following songs. This is a great romantic gift, that was once a very popular gift, but everyone seems to have forgotten about it, which is why it will be a huge surprise.

 Fantastic Anniversary Gifts That Will Amaze Your Partner

Cute and artsy

If your partner is opposite of Barney Stinson when it comes to looking good on photos, then you probably long to have a beautiful and romantic picture of the two of you to hang on the wall or show to your friends. Fortunately, today, there are so many great artists that can create not only a faithful representation of you and your partner, but make something even better, an original, cute and funny drawing of the two of you.

A festive package

An anniversary is primarily a celebration for two. If you decide not to celebrate it in a restaurant, but rather throw your own “party” instead, you will need a festive package that includes champagne (not the cheapest one) and some luxurious chocolates (try with Belgian or Swiss chocolates).

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For the sweet tooth

Baking a cake for your loved one is a truly romantic gesture. It allows you to choose your own flavors and adapt them to their taste, but also to get creative with the decoration. If you are planning a surprise delivery to your partner’s home or work, you can even be creative when it comes to packaging. Manufacturers of cake boxes in Sydney even give you the chance to customize the cake box, if you want to go all in.

A priceless experience

Some gifts can’t exactly be stored in a drawer, but they remain engraved into one’s mind among the most beautiful and most exciting memories. Make your partner happy by surprising them with something they always wanted to try. That could be everything ranging from race car driving and paragliding to a music show.

A romantic getaway

One can never get sick of romantic getaways even if you had one just last year. Your getaway doesn’t have to be something extravagant, such as Paris. It can be a place near your town where they have a decent hotel and where nobody knows you. Even if that is above your budget, you can improvise, by turning your phones off over the weekend, making (or ordering) some great food, playing good music and pretending you are in a hotel.

A very special book

Books belong to the group of presents that are timeless and always on point (if you know the person you are buying the book for very well). But if you truly want to step out of the box and make your gift even more special, try hard to get the author’s signature or find the first edition of the book, or anything that could make your gift more unique.

Something sentimental

Anniversaries can be cheesy, but what’s wrong with some cheesiness every now and then? This is the time of the year when you don’t have to feel silly for making a scrapbook with your best moments, printing out your voice recordings on a canvas, giving away personalized love coupons, etc. Wake up your inner romantic and give it a try.

Big dates such as anniversaries are a great opportunity to celebrate your love and show how much you care, but don’t forget that love is something you should show each day, regardless of the occasion.